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Lyre – 3. Dreams on the Shore

    Dawn’s rose-tipped fingers parted matted boughs, reaching down to pry apart Babalon’s eyelids. Disbelief washed over her. She had slept. She had dreamed. In a way.  Though she had no dreams of her own, she was content to walk through those of strangers.  In the first, she watched from above as a small girl fell… Read More »Lyre – 3. Dreams on the Shore

    Lyre – 2. Warm Plastic

      Hidden in the closet stairwell of a stranger’s home, Kelley sat huddled behind several cardboards boxes. Caroline had come home early. And from what he understood, for no reason at all. Just to fuck with him. He couldn’t believe it. There was no reason for her to believe he might be there, and yet here… Read More »Lyre – 2. Warm Plastic

      Lyre – 1. Metempsychosis

        “There is a hole in the moon. A spiral. Like the one in your soul,” said the thing in the eggshell mask. “It is a tunnel painted with clocks and stars and like an artery it pulses. Do not be afraid. It will wait for you. There is a choice to be made.” The final… Read More »Lyre – 1. Metempsychosis